Central Region Trauma Network SymposiumCRTN Symposium


Central Region Trauma Symposium


For all Surgeons, Anaesthetists, Emergency Physicians, Intensivists, Nurses, Paramedics & Allied Health Professionals with an interest in trauma in the central region of New Zealand

24th May 2019


The Hub / Toitu Poneke, 49 Kilbirnie Crescent, Kilbirnie, Wellington

20 min walk from Wellington Hospital or Wellington International Airport

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2019 topics include:

PREHOSPITAL MEDICINE: how to manage major trauma outside the hospital
MILITARY MEDICINE: damage control resuscitation lessons from the battlefield
TRAUMA IN NZ: using data from the NZ major trauma registry to build a better national service
TRAUMA NURSE SPECIALISTS: how to develop a senior nursing trauma role

Final programme coming soon

Registration Fees


For nurses, paramedics, students & other health care workers


For junior & senior doctors

Central Region Trauma Network Timetable 2019

The 2019 programme is now available & can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking on the image to the left. Presentations from 2018 can be found from the top menu.

The symposium has been accredited as a CPD activity by the RCS, ACEM & CICM

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The Central Regional Trauma Symposium is convened by Dr. James Moore & Renate Donovan. Administrative support is provided by Annette John.
Web design by Alex Psirides.

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Annette John annette.john@ccdhb.org.nz